Saturday, April 10, 2010

Observing the Narcissist

Ah, yes. The mouth opens and a fiery of hurtful words come rushing out. They are spread to every ear in sight. And the world must join the hateclub that the narcissist is the leader of.
The remarkable amount of followers keeps multiplying, and I'm amazed. People deal with this poison and maybe try to avoid being the next victim. Stay low under that radar or you might be next.
But with each explosion and new topic of the hateclub comes the opportunity for one brave soul to call "bullshit" on the whole thing.
We will see how this pans out.....


  1. Update:
    It seems once again that it is easier to sweep things under the rug than to deal with the threat of getting sued. This just empowers the narcissist and she gets more confident after each countless episode that she "wins". Normal people keep score on the crazy tantrums and unethical behavior and think that it's only time when this ends and she gets fired. But I fear it will never happen. There are lots of people helping her (by ignoring) and less people willing to call her out on stuff.
    We still will see.

  2. Update:
    Now in light of a co-worker(enemy)that has a major illness the posts about Karma begin. And lecturing status about how this illness could have been avoided.
    Yes, once again the expert in every field.
    The narcissist.

  3. This Narcissist won't quit. In May I did not post the actual quote by the Narcissist about a co-worker's (enemy) newly found cancer. Here it is:
    " May 20, 2010 Facebook: "karma has shown up and oh man.............when you reap ugly and mean you sow nothing but misery for yourself and those around you. Next time try reaping kindness you might just sow friendship and respect. "
    Nice status....don't you think?
